
If a directory with subdirectories is converted into models the directory structure of the JSON-Schema files will be mirrored to the directory structure of the generated models. Models located in a subdirectory will contain a PSR-4 compatible namespace based on the directory structure. Set a namespace prefix with the setNamespacePrefix method of the GeneratorConfiguration object for locating the models inside your application or adding them to your composer autoloading configuration.

An example structure of your JSON-Schema files for a user module may look like:

- Models
    - Request
        - Login.json
        - Register.json
        - Update.json
    - Response
        - Error
            - UserExists.json
        - Login.json
        - Register.json
        - Update.json
- Modules
    - LoginData.json
    - User.json
    - Message.json
- generateModels.php

Your model generation code inside generateModels.php now could look like:

$generator = new ModelGenerator((new GeneratorConfiguration())->setNamespacePrefix('MyApp\User'));

    ->generateModelDirectory(__DIR__ . '/build')
    ->generateModels(new RecursiveDirectoryProvider(__DIR__ . '/Models'), __DIR__ . '/build');

The generated main classes will be:

- build
    - Request
        - Login.php (FQCN: `MyApp\User\Request\Login`)
        - Register.php (FQCN: `MyApp\User\Request\Register`)
        - Update.php (FQCN: `MyApp\User\Request\Update`)
    - Response
        - Error
            - UserExists.php (FQCN: `MyApp\User\Response\Error\UserExists`)
        - Login.php (FQCN: `MyApp\User\Response\Login`)
        - Register.php (FQCN: `MyApp\User\Response\Register`)
        - Update.php (FQCN: `MyApp\User\Response\Update`)

Class re-usage

If referenced classes (eg. in the example given above the modules which may be used in multiple schemas) or nested classes occur multiple times the generator will detect the re-used class and link to the already generated object. The generator gives a duplicated signature hint in the output.

The detection is not bound to namespace limits so a nested object which occurs in RequestRegister.json as well as in ResponseRegister.json will be generated only once. Consequently the class generated to ResponseRegister.php may use classes from the Request namespace. A duplicated class is not linked to an already generated class if it’s a primary object. The detection only links nested classes.