Merged Property

If multiple subschemas are combined with oneOf, anyOf or allOf and the subschemas contain multiple nested objects all properties of the nested objects will be merged together in a single object representing all composition elements.

If the composition is used on object level no merged property will be generated as the object itself works as a merged property holding all properties of the nested objects from the composition subschemas.

For example we combine two objects with allOf for an object property:

    "$id": "company",
    "type": "object",
    "properties": {
        "ceo": {
            "$id": "CEO",
            "allOf": [
                    "type": "object",
                    "properties": {
                        "name": {
                            "type": "string"
                    "type": "object",
                    "properties": {
                        "age": {
                            "type": "integer"

This schema will generate four classes. The main class will be Company, two classes to validate the subschemas combined with the allOf independent and one merged class containing all properties of the CEO (name and age in this example). As the subschemas don’t contain IDs they will be named with uniqIds (compare the naming of classes):

  • Company.php

  • Company_Ceo5e4a82e39edc3.php

  • Company_Ceo5e4a82e39fe37.php

  • Company_Merged_CEO.php

If the allOf doesn’t contain an $id field the merged class will also contain an uniqId. So if you want to use the class with a reproducible class name you must set the $id field. The classes Company_Ceo5e4a82e39edc3 and Company_Ceo5e4a82e39fe37 are only used for internal validation and can’t be accessed via the generated interface of Company.

Generated interface:

# class Company
public function setCeo(?Company_Merged_CEO $example): self;
public function getCeo(): ?Company_Merged_CEO;

# class Company_Merged_CEO
public function getName(): ?string
public function setName(?string $name): self
public function getAge(): ?int
public function setAge(?int $name): self

If your composition is defined on object level the object will gain access to all properties of the combined schemas:

    "$id": "CEO",
    "type": "object",
    "allOf": [
            "type": "object",
            "properties": {
                "name": {
                    "type": "string"
            "type": "object",
            "properties": {
                "age": {
                    "type": "integer"

This schema will generate three classes as no merged property is created. The main class will be CEO and two classes will be generated to validate the subschemas combined with the allOf independent:

  • Ceo.php

  • Ceo_Ceo5e4a82e39edc3.php

  • Ceo_Ceo5e4a82e39fe37.php

# class CEO
public function getName(): ?string
public function setName(?string $name): self
public function getAge(): ?int
public function setAge(?int $name): self