
Used for properties containing characters. Converted to the PHP type string.

    "$id": "example",
    "type": "object",
    "properties": {
        "example": {
            "type": "string"

Generated interface:

public function setExample(string $example): self;
// As the property is not required it may be initialized with null. Consequently the return value is nullable
public function getExample(): ?string;

Possible exceptions:

  • Invalid type for example. Requires string, got __TYPE__

The thrown exception will be a PHPModelGenerator\Exception\Generic\InvalidTypeException which provides the following methods to get further error details:

// returns a string if the property expects exactly one type, an array if the property accepts multiple types
public function getExpectedType()
// get the name of the property which failed
public function getPropertyName(): string
// get the value provided to the property
public function getProvidedValue()

Length validation

To add a length validation to the property use the minLength and maxLength keywords. The length check is multi byte safe.

    "$id": "example",
    "type": "object",
    "properties": {
        "example": {
            "type": "string",
            "minLength": 3,
            "maxLength": 5

Possible exceptions:

  • Value for example must not be shorter than 3

  • Value for example must not be longer than 5

The thrown exception will be a PHPModelGenerator\Exception\String\MinLengthException or a PHPModelGenerator\Exception\String\MaxLengthException which provides the following methods to get further error details:

// for a MaxLengthException: get the maximum length of the string
public function getMaximumLength(): int
// for a MinLengthException: get the minimum length of the string
public function getMinimumLength(): int
// get the name of the property which failed
public function getPropertyName(): string
// get the value provided to the property
public function getProvidedValue()

Pattern validation

To add a pattern validation to the property use the pattern keyword.


The validation is executed with preg_match, consequently PCRE syntax is used instead of ECMA 262.

    "$id": "example",
    "type": "object",
    "properties": {
        "example": {
            "type": "string",
            "pattern": "^[a-zA-Z]*$"

Possible exceptions:

  • Value for property doesn’t match pattern ^[a-zA-Z]*$

The thrown exception will be a PHPModelGenerator\Exception\String\PatternException which provides the following methods to get further error details:

// get the expected pattern
public function getExpectedPattern(): string
// get the name of the property which failed
public function getPropertyName(): string
// get the value provided to the property
public function getProvidedValue()


To add a format validation to the property use the format keyword.

    "$id": "example",
    "type": "object",
    "properties": {
        "example": {
            "type": "string",
            "format": "myFormat"

Possible exceptions:

  • Value for property must match the format __FORMAT__

The thrown exception will be a PHPModelGenerator\Exception\String\FormatException which provides the following methods to get further error details:

// get the expected format
public function getExpectedFormat(): string
// get the name of the property which failed
public function getPropertyName(): string
// get the value provided to the property
public function getProvidedValue()

Builtin formats

Currently no builtin formats are available.

Custom formats

You can implement custom format validators and use them in your schema files. You must add your custom format to the generator configuration to make them available.

$generator = new Generator(
    (new GeneratorConfiguration())
        ->addFormat('customFormat', new MyCustomFormat())

Your format validator must implement the interface PHPModelGenerator\Format\FormatValidatorInterface.

If your custom format is representable by a regular expression you can bypass implementing an own class and simply add a FormatValidatorFromRegEx (for example a string which must contain only numbers):

$generator = new Generator(
    (new GeneratorConfiguration())
        ->addFormat('numeric', new FormatValidatorFromRegEx('/^\d*$/'))


Pull requests for common usable format validators are always welcome. A new format validator must be added in the GeneratorConfiguration method initFormatValidator. If the format validator requires a class implementation and can’t be added via the FormatValidatorFromRegEx the class must be added to the wol-soft/php-json-schema-model-generator-production repository.